How To Stop Trading Time For Money and Build a Business That Works for YOU.



How To Stop Trading Time For

Money and Build a Business

That Works for YOU.


How it all started...

If you told me a few years ago that I would build a 7-figure online business and travel through 25+ countries all while earning an income around my passions, I never would have believed you.



To be honest… making a decision to quit my job and pursue my dreams is the best thing I’ve ever done for myself - I have truly created a life of happiness and FREEDOM.



But you see, my life wasn’t always like this...

I got stuck in a rut not knowing how to move forward and actually push myself to achieve my dreams.



The truth is, I didn’t grow up with a ton of money.



Although I did grow up with parents who raised my siblings and I to understand the meaning of hard work. They taught us to put in the time and effort to work towards building the life we wanted to live.



To put it in simple terms for you…



I was an average girl who lived following the exact plan my parents set out for me… the only plan I thought was true.



I was taught to go to school to earn a degree, get a good job to pay the bills then dedicate all of my time and energy to growing with the company.



So I did just that…



I remember the moment I got my first ‘big girl’ job like it was yesterday...



I was on cloud 9 when I got the news… it was like everything I was working so hard towards was just falling right into my lap.



At the time, I BELIEVED that this was my everything. This job defined the rest of my life.



On my first day at work, I was ecstatic walking into those front doors, feeling the rush of excitement…



I was ready to take on the WORLD.



Now, if only that feeling lasted longer than a snap of a finger.



I spent the next 5 years working 12+ hour days, feeling absolutely exhausted, drained, and unfulfilled watching my life flash before my eyes…



I was working non-stop just to create the ‘good life’.



But, what’s the good life without actually LIVING?



My life was in a constant battle between working my life away and actually experiencing what this life has to offer.



I always caught myself saying “I’m too exhausted” or “I have to work” when it came down to doing anything else besides working or sleeping.



But that never meant I didn’t want to…



You see, I had dreams of packing my life into one suitcase and hopping on a plane to wherever it took me.



Being able to have the time freedom to wake up on my own terms and jump on any adventure, and being able to give my parents a break from working two jobs just to survive.



But instead, my life felt like a hamster wheel…



Waking up at sunrise, getting ready for work, working 12+ hours a day, rushing home to have a quick dinner, and then dragging my feet to bed, knowing I have to be up early the next day to do it all over again…



I was driving myself CRAZY and knew enough was enough.



I remember laying in bed one night after my fourth 12-hour day in a row, scrolling through my e-mails and deleting all the junk mail.



I deleted everything… except for one.


The coincidental timing of that email told me it was something I needed to read. It spoke of struggle, and dreams, and doing whatever it took to achieve them.



Everything it said hit home -- it felt like the universe had sent it.



So I did exactly what the email said. I spread my wings and flew after my dreams.

My dreams became goals, and my goals became attainable.



Fast forward to today…



I have now built a seven-figure business all online, traveling the world, and truly living a lifestyle I once DREAMED of.



I’ve found that the ‘good life’ really does exist.



And I have truly discovered that we all are able to live a life you LOVE… whatever that may consist of for you.



Now, I want you to know that this didn’t happen because of sheer luck and it definitely didn’t happen overnight.



But it did happen because I discovered a formula to completely change the entire course of my life.



This formula allowed me to truly be happy following my wildest dreams.



And I want to share it with YOU.



So if you are reading this, then I want you to make the decision right now to put yourself FIRST.






Because your DREAMS matter.



I believe that.



I instantly knew, I had to share this formula with the world!



So, I've decided to package it up into easily digestible video series and called it: 


Passive Profits Course is an easy to follow, step-by-step program that is specifically designed for anyone who is looking to create true time freedom by leveraging online automation in today's digital economy. 


It's your time to finally be in control of your destiny and create a life that you've always dreamed of!

Don't take my word for it

See what others have to say about Passive Profits Course...

I had no idea what online marketing was - I felt like I was hitting my head against a brick wall trying to figure it out. When I found Ella’s Passive Profits Course - it COMPLETELY revolutionized my concept of entrepreneurship! Thanks to this course my wife and I are now earning passive income with our digital products and living our passion!

Jacob & Magan Rakowski 

The Soulmate Community Founders

Ella is making a massive positive impact on people’s lives by empowering them to escape the traditional 9 to 5 job and to achieve a lifestyle of financial significance through her online programs including the Passive Profits Course. With Ella on your side you’ll find that shortcut through the endless maze to find long-term success as an online entrepreneur.

Lee Garrison

Online Entrepreneur

Passive Profits Course Curriculum

Here's what you're getting...

Overview and Concept

Your Brand - 4 Modules

Strategic System - 10 Modules

Traffic Methods - 5 Modules

Your Offer - 3 Modules

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

I'm so confident that you are going to be satisfied with my Passive Profits Course that I've decided to offer you an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee.


You will have 30 full days to give it a try, 100% risk free, and have the privilege to experience the support I give my customers. If you have any issues whatsoever, contact me and let me know. (No hidden fees)

Disclaimer: Please be advised that any results and income shown are extraordinary and are not intended to serve as guarantees. In fact, as stipulated by law, I cannot and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with my ideas, information, tools or strategies. I want to help you by giving great content, direction and strategies that worked well for me and my students and that I believe can move you forward. I feel transparency is important and I hold myself (and you) to a high standard of integrity. I hope this training and content brings you a lot of value.